Serenity Now!: New Moon in Taurus, 5/7/2024

Serenity Now!: New Moon in Taurus, 5/7/2024

Embrace serenity now to experience your great turnaround through insights, revelations, and blessings that will stay with you for years to come. This is the most important event of the year for you, which will occur during this New Moon in Taurus, and the following two week period until the Full Moon in Sagittarius. The trick is that you must remain rested, relaxed, and at ease allowing unexpected insights, physical revelations, and unique solutions to manifest naturally.
The New Moon in Taurus will make a conjunction to Venus, and to the conjunction between Uranus and Jupiter while also making a sextile aspect to Saturn in Pisces - all while Mercury is making a conjunction to Chiron in Aries and Mars is exalted at home in Aries.
Let it be. Let it happen. Allow space to see everything from a new and better perspective. And do so with ease.
The revelations may startle you. They may even seem weird or unorthodox, but you must embrace these insights for the innovative break throughs you've been looking for. These changes will work out in your best interests.They will be permanent providing structure for your future.
Trust in God. Trust yourself. Allow your spirit to be lifted with peace and with hope.
This energy is about you personally. It is not about relationships. You may even have to release relationships that hurt you or that do not serve you in a positive way. Being alone can be a good thing. It gives you time and space to heal yourself and realize what who you really are and what you want in life.
If you are looking for a new home or a new job, you may need to stop looking altogether during this two week span. Relax. Go do something fun. Stop thinking about it so much... and the answer may occur to you in your mind or appear to you in a physical way ... naturally.
Advice: If you are not feeling this: Chill Out to unlock all of this. Trying to force anything will definitely work against you. When you're too close to something, or seeing it through fear, your perspective can be distorted. If you're stuck, back off and allow space for good things to happen for you. A Great Turnaround is here.
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